Limit - the best crags in Tirol

58 59 Silvretta | Galtür | ernd Zangerl is a true institution in rock climbing particularly in bouldering. All over the world, the 42-year-old Tyrolean has established new boulders. His ascents are found in the South African Rocklands as well as in the boulder fields of Switzerland. Many of his admirers describe Bernd as an artist, who expresses his creativity on the rock. His creations can also be enjoyed in the Silvapark in Galtür. The potential for new lines there is almost in- exhaustible and provides a huge playground for boulde- rers. Particularly during the summer months, the Silva- park attracts an international audience that enjoys the idyllic alpine scenery and the razor-sharp rock. Although Bernd has already climbed all the existing boulders here, the Silvapark still remains a desirable spot for him. There- fore, we find ourselves carrying crash pads towards the Vallülasee on a beautiful summer day. Today our group consists of Martina, Melissa, photographer Michael Meisl, and of course Bernd himself. The path winds through the barren landscape lined with boulder blocks and after a 60-minute hike we reach our destination: The spot at the lake is just unique and so stunningly beautiful that it takes our breath away. Basically, we just want to pause, linger, and enjoy the idyllic scenery of the lake. However, one crucial thing distracts us from the perfect idyll of the spot: Bouldering! Before you know it, we place our crash pads underneath the first potential lines. »Let’s climb something!« and we’re right on it. But we have to downclimb right away. Before the rock allows us a meaningful ascent, we need to prepare it with our steel brushes. Large parts of the boulders are covered with lichens and dirt, and parts of the rock are loose or brittle. Bernd lets his eyes wander as he is searching for a new Kingline. Soon, he has found one and he climbs it effort- lessly as if it was a walk in the park. When bouldering, the 42-year-old Tyrolean frames a concept of the solution before climbing, which he then realizes artistically on the rock. Basically, he originates from a different generation, but he has constantly been adapting to modernity. Bernd wants to discover and create something new, far away from our consumerist society – preferably somewhere where no one has ever been before him. He always takes his time for the moment that is priceless to him. Here, close to the famous Silvapark, he will probably be able to find these moments for a long time to come! B Boulderidyll Na, zu viel versprochen? Mit breitem Lächeln im Gesicht und kribbelnden Fingern findet man in diesem Blockfeld nicht nur das Nötigste, sondern mehr als erwartet. We certainly didn’t promise too much! With a broad grin and tingling fingers you find much more than you might have expected in this boulder field. | Galtür | Silvretta