Limit - the best crags in Tirol

30 31 Hochmut Beim Turmbau von Babel wollten die Menschen einen Turm errichten, um Gott gleich zu kommen. Stephan und Egon wollen auf dem Spiehlerturm nur ein bisschen die Aussicht genießen, sagen sie. The Tower of Babel was built to reach God’s level. Here, Stephan and Egon just want to enjoy the view from the summit of the Spiehlerturm. At least they say so. Steinseehütte | Tirol West | our last weekend was wonderful! I’d love to see you again. So far, I haven’t experienced such strong but contrary feelings of courage and fear at the same time. Still, I have no clue what to think about that. When I saw your ad on this channel for the first time, I didn’t expect anything. You seemed a real plain Jane – shy and reserved. Just until last I sensed another disap- pointment – that you were yet again someone I had put too much faith in. I remember vividly the moment when I saw you for the first time. Honestly, you didn’t look too adorable or promising to me: Wedged just between the highway and a run-down gravel plant. »Where am I,« I asked myself and I was about to turn around. Nevertheless, I’ve grown curious now. I want to get to know you and I want to be close to you. Just 4.3 kilometres from the highway’s exit ramp, a steep dirt road marks the start of the approach to you. So far, you still seem rather dismissive and withdrawn, but slowly, you open yourself. Shy but assertive, your unique and remote high-level valley stretches before me. I have to think back to our first chats in which you made it quite clear that you’re no easy meat. Back then, I didn’t like your language. What were you thinking of me? In the meantime, I’ve come to appreciate your long approach and I like the feeling of having to conquer something. With each step, I discover more of your true elegance. Unlike others, you neither obtrude yourself nor crave for attention. Overall, you’re full of contrasts: you’re self-confident but modest. Frankly, you’re just beautiful! I know, you’re certainly not interested in one-night stands (or one-day stands) and when I finally arrive at the Stein- seehütte, I’ve made up my mind: I’ll stay for an indefinite period of time! Neither the gravel road nor the two-hour hike to the hut can keep me away from you. I’m not a shallow person, but I’ve become highly interes- ted in your different faces and rugged ridges. Your rock feels great and somehow familiar even if it’s new to me. I gain confidence and I have to confess: The pretty hut with its own lake caps it all. I figure, I’ve fallen in love with you. Your climber(s) Dear favorite climbing area