Limit - the best crags in Tirol

124 Schmoaß Das heißt »Glück« im Ötztaler Dialekt, der seit 2010 auf der Liste des immateriellen UNESCO-Kulturerbes steht. Glücklich darf sich auch Chanti schätzen, weil was kann es Schöneres geben, als die für Nösslach typischen Leisten zuzuschrauben? In the local Ötztal dialect, the word means »luck«. Fun fact: Since 2010, the dialect has been part of the intangible UNESCO cultural heritage. Chanti might consider herself lucky as well as she’s crimping hard on the tiny holds which are characteristic for the rock here in Nösslach. | Ötztal | Nösslach Jung und Dynamisch Leo Moser gehört zu den jun- gen wilden Ötztalern, die an den heimatlichen Felsen groß und stark geworden sind. Ein bisschen ausstrecken noch und er hat die Schlüsselseil- länge der »Boulevard of Bro- ken Dreams« in der Tasche. Leo Moser is one of several local young guns from the Ötztal. He has grown up here and belongs to a generation of strong and always motiva- ted climbers. Stretching a bit further and he will have clim- bed the crux pitch of »Boule- vard of Broken Dreams«. henever it comes to climbing in the Ötztal region, you will sooner or later come across the name of Reinhard Schiestl. His name is inextricably linked to the history of climbing here as he was one of the first to establish countless climbing routes. Until his tragic und much too early death in a car accident in 1995, Reinhard was one of the world’s best mountaineers. In his job as a primary school teacher, he did not only teach the children literacy and numeracy but also the skills required for climbing. Obviously, his approach was highly successful: A number of world cup climbers as well as professional mountaineers such as Hansjörg Auer laid the foundation of their success through Reinhard’s pioneering spirit and endless motivation. w But not only local climbers, also the crags developed splendidly. In the meantime, there are about 750 well-protected routes in the Ötztal and in addition to that, a new generation of young, strong climbers. In this regard, 22-year-old Tobias Holzknecht and 20- year-old Leo Moser need to be mentioned. Just like for Reinhard and Hansjörg some years ago, the home mountains of the Ötztal valley mean a lot to Tobias and Leo. Therefore, the route »Boule- vard of Broken Dreams« is the fulfillment of a small but beautiful climbing dream right on their doorstep (even if the name may suggest something different). Anyway, sooner or later, also Tobias and Leo are likely to head out to more far-away climbing areas. »The rock here in Nösslach is said to be similar to the famous rock in Squamish, Canada,« Leo explains. »One day, I’d like to travel there and check if that’s actually true,« he adds with a smile.