Limit - the best crags in Tirol

114 115 Volle Kraft voraus Noch hat Anna nichts zu lachen. Die technisch anspruchsvolle, nicht allzu steile Kletterei der »Woodstock« erfordert volle Kon- zentration. Die einzelnen Längen im Überblick: 6+ (35m), 9+/10- (40m), 9+ (20m), 9 (20m), 7 (35m), 8 (35m), 8 (35m). So far, Anna doesn’t have any reason to smile and needs to stay focused. The climbing style of »Woodstock« is rather technically challenging and not too steep. For the record, the difficulties of each pitch: VI+ (35m), IX+/X- (40m), IX+ (20m), IX (20m), VII (35m), VIII (35m), VIII (35m). Karwendel | Innsbruck | | Innsbruck | Karwendel