Limit - the best crags in Tirol

16 17 DAS GEHEIMNIS VON WEITER OBEN Warum im oberen Stock des Dschun- gelbuchs kaum einer klettert, ist unklar. Dass es an mangelhafter Felsqualität liegen könnte, ist aber ein Trugschluss, denn die ist 1A. Wer’s nicht glaubt, der möge sich wie Katha Saurwein bitte in »Galerie der Irrtümer« (7b+) versuchen. Danke. The upper part of the Dschungelbuch is seldomly climbed. Nobody really knows why because the rock is as fine as it gets. Climb the route »Gale- rie der Irrtümer« (7b+) to believe it. JUST SWINGIN’ Jakob Schubert schwingt sich den Klas- siker »Swingtime« (7c+) empor. Jakob Schubert swinging up the classic »Swingtime« (7c+). Dschungelbuch | Innsbruck | PANORAMA IM RÜCKEN Natürlich ist der Fels im Dschungelbuch vom Feinsten! Jorg Verhoeven, der hier im oberen Sektor klettert, weiß aber, dass man beim Klet- tern nicht darauf vergessen sollte, zumindest einen kurzen Blick über die Schulter zu werfen. Sonst entgeht einem nämlich das sehenswerte Panorama der schneebedeckten Kalkkögel. Of course the rock is great here! But Jorg Verhoeven, who enjoys climbing in the upper sector of the Dschungelbuch, knows that it is also mandatory to take at least one short look over the shoulder. Otherwise the beautiful panorama of the snow-covered Kalkkögel can easily slip ones attention. | Innsbruck | Dschungelbuch How would the ideal city for climbers look like? She would be situated amidst the mountains and be surrounded by stunning panoramas that you can’t get enough of. There would be numerous crags and some of them so close that you don’t even need a car to get there. For the long winter months there would be the mother of all gyms, so you can stay in best climbing shape when the air pressure drops. It may sound utopistic, but the ideal city for climbers neither has to be designed nor erected. In fact, it’s not even adequate to talk about it in »would-be mode«, because that city is alrea- dy a reality. Its name is Innsbruck. As far as the combination of rock and city goes, Innsbruck is outstanding. Not only because it is surrounded by some of the best rock in Austria – an agony of choice can often be experi- enced – but also because one can clearly feel that Innsbruck is connected with the mountains in an authentic way. Innsbruck doesn’t need to invent climbing-tradition, Innsbruck has it! To feel a sense of this tradition it is recommended to visit Innsbruck’s homespot, the »Dschungelbuch«. Back in the 80s climbers lifted an enormous ivy-curtain that hid the wall, only to find perfect limestone behind it: the megaspot close to the city had suddenly become reality! Route after route was bolted and first ascended. Soon the »Dschungelbuch« became not only the epicenter of the climbing in Innsbruck but in Tirol. The »Dschungelbuch« is definitely the spot-to-be for hardmovers, but it’s only one of many sectors at the Martinswand, where one can find countless routes in all grades. The special kind of spirit, which was born back then, can still be felt today in Innsbruck and is carried by a vital community that shares the same passion: climbing. Anybody from Worldcup-winner to rock-newbie will instantly feel at home here. SOLID AS A ROCK Mit oder ohne Seil, Boulderqueen Anna Stöhr macht immer eine blendende Figur. So auch in »Sam-ström« (7b+). With or without a rope, boulder-queen Anna Stöhr always cuts a fine figure. Also in »Sam-ström« (7b+).