Wilder Kaiser - Indoor Climbing Gyms

Kletterhalle KaiserBad Ellmau

Total climbing area
805 m²
Climbing course
Children's climbing area
Equipement rent
Climbing shop

GPS Position
All real-time data of the infrastructures can be found in the fullscreen view of the interactive map
Grey skies and rain are no excuse: keen climbers have plenty of opportunities to push their boundaries even indoors.
The climbing hall in the KaiserBad in Ellmau is a popular destination in the Wilder Kaiser region. It spans multiple stories including the basement, so the outside of the building does not give away the true scale of its interior. The hall offers optimal training conditions for beginners and experienced climbers alike.

Climbing area: 805 m² of floor space
Lead climbing: 118 m²
BÄNFER bouldering mat: 28 m²
Route difficulty: III–XI UIAA
Lead climbing routes: 70–100 routes
TOPPAS securing machines: 2
Lead area indoor
805 m²
Number of climbing routes
≈ 100
Arrival & public transport
Heading from Wörgl or Kufstein on the B178 road, take the first turnoff to the left after passing the Ellmauer Hof hotel (which is located on the right-hand side). Drive straight on, then keep to the right when you reach the first junction. You will see the KaiserBad on the left-hand side after approx. 300 m.

Heading from St. Johann on the B178 road, take the first exit to Ellmau and then drive straight on until you reach the Bauhof junction (green signs – leading towards KaiserBad/Kaisergebirge/Wochenbrunn). Turn right here, then drive straight on before turning left towards KaiserBad when you come to the first intersection. Follow the road for approx. 300 m to reach the KaiserBad.
KaiserBad car park, Ellmau (777 m) – free
Opening hours

siehe Homepage http://www.kaiserbad.com/de/kletterhalle-ellmau-tirol.html


Kletterhalle KaiserBad Ellmau
Wimm 1
6352 Ellmau

+43 (0) 5358 3811