The first routes at the Läuferspitze were set up in 1987/1988 by members of the Grän mountain rescue service and later renovated. In the meantime, there are a good dozen well-equipped sport climbing routes between 4 and 8 on the almost 40-metre-high, west-facing wall.
The "Gamseck" climbing garden is located on the Reintaljoch, east of the Läuferspitze. After the first routes developed by Sepp Besler, the massif has been extensively equipped since 2000 by Sani Heinl with the support of the DAV section Augsburg. Here, too, you will find the very best limestone and perfect protection for climbing lengths of up to almost 20 metres.
Läuferspitze Westwand
Läuferspitze Westwand
From the top station of the gondola lift at Füssener Jöchle it takes about 20 minutes on the normal route to the Läuferspitze in a south-easterly direction to reach the climbing garden. From Grän a total of about 1.5 hours.
From the top station of the cable car under the east side of the Läuferspitze. At the summit, turn left and descend on a path that is gently marked and partly secured to the entrance (25 minutes). The ascent from the Otto Mayr Hut takes about 40 minutes, leaving the path to the Füssener Jöchle after about 20 minutes to ascend directly via trail tracks to the valley below the Läuferspitze.