Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern

Längenfeld / Lehner Wasserfall / Eis

WI 5+
Sea Level
1400 m

GPS Position / Ascent
All real-time data of the infrastructures can be found in the fullscreen view of the interactive map
Very difficult, steep and partly overhanging icefall that mostly has a lot of water and hence never freezes completely.
Climbing time: 2 hours.
Descent: 30 minutes - via the icefall with Abalakov threads.
From Oetz via Umhausen to Längenfaled. After the village sign, take the first exit to the right in the roundabout towards "Oberried-Lehn". turn left at the bus station towards the Heimatmuseum (museum of local history) and then further along until you reach the parking space of the Lehner Wasserfall Klettersteig (via ferrata). Access to the entry of the via ferrata, shortly before the rope bridge of the via ferrata turn to the viewing platform and then through unmarked terrain up to the icefall.

Parking space: N47.08252 E10.94502
Waterfall: N47.08346 E10.94010
Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern | Längenfeld / Lehner Wasserfall / Eis

Lehner Wasserfall

Lehner Wasserfall

Very difficult, steep and partly overhanging icefall that mostly has a lot of water and hence never freezes completely.
Climbing time: 2 hours.
Descent: 30 minutes - via the icefall with Abalakov threads.
Number of routes
Lehner Wasserfall