Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern

Längenfeld / Esso

WI 5+
Sea Level
1150 m

GPS Position / Ascent
All real-time data of the infrastructures can be found in the fullscreen view of the interactive map
Difficult, steep icefall with a flat middle part. The icefall is directly located in Längenfeld
Climbing time: 2 hours.
Descent: 40 minutes - Abseiling via the waterfall or follow a narrow trail to Brand Alm and then on the hiking trail to Längenfeld.
Oetz-Umhausen-Längenfeld-community hall- turn off between Spar and Vinorant. Parking space directly behind the restaurant Alt Längenfeld. Follow the old trail towards Burgstein (winter hiking trail).

Parking space: N47.06889 E10.97015
Waterfall: N47.06879 E10.97085
Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern | Längenfeld / Esso



Difficult, steep icefall with a flat middle part. The icefall is directly located in Längenfeld
Climbing time: 2 hours.
Descent: 40 minutes - Abseiling via the waterfall or follow a narrow trail to Brand Alm and then on the hiking trail to Längenfeld.
Number of routes