Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern

Längenfeld / Eisener Vorhang

WI 5+
Sea Level
1280 m

GPS Position / Ascent
All real-time data of the infrastructures can be found in the fullscreen view of the interactive map
Steep icefall which has sometimes little ice due to the solar radiation and the black frock. The icefall is not without any danger as it might be water washed out by water from behind.
Climbing time: 2 hour.
Descent: 30 minutes - down a path which is also used by climbers in summer. The path leads towards Wiesle.
From Oetz via Umhausen towards Längenfeld. Shortly before the hamlet of Au turn to the wastewater treatment plant of Längenfeld and park on the left side of the street. From the parking space Kabele, follow the hiking trail towards Wiesle until you reach a clearing. Here you pass the clearing and go directly to the waterfall. (distinctive wayside shrine at the tree)

Parking space: N47.10628 E10.95377
Waterfall: N47.10908 E10.95352
Klettern - Climbers Paradise - Eisklettern | Längenfeld / Eisener Vorhang

Eiserner Vorhang

Eiserner Vorhang

Steep icefall which has sometimes little ice due to the solar radiation and the black frock. The icefall is not without any danger as it might be water washed out by water from behind.
Climbing time: 2 hour.
Descent: 30 minutes - down a path which is also used by climbers in summer. The path leads towards Wiesle.