Innsbruch und seine Feriendörfer - Via Ferrata

Kühtai Panorama Via Ferrata

State Locked until cancelled!
D / E
Via Ferata height
287 hm
Sea Level
2530 - 2807 m
Best season
Jun - Sep

GPS Position / Ascent
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A wonderful, very difficult and strenuous via ferrata in the gneiss of the Sellrain mountains leading up to the 2807 m high Pockkogel. The altitude and north-facing location ensure long snow cover in spring and early snowfall in fall - which should definitely be taken into account when planning a tour. However, a sensational panoramic view awaits at the end of the via ferrata. In the first section, you immediately come to a key section with a difficulty level of C/D. In the second sector, there is a good section with a grade D. There are fewer footholds there, but excellent rock with natural holds. The summit ascent into the north face is certainly the highlight of this climbing tour. A head for heights are required on the unsecured walking passages between section 1 and section 2 as well as on the descent.
Walking time approach
30 min
Climbing time
2 h
Walking time descent
1:30 h
Leave the Inntal motorway A 12 Kufstein-Landeck at the exit Zirl Ost. Drive on the Sellrainer Straße L 13 to Kühtai. Or from the Ötztal valley, leave the roundabout in Ötz towards Ochsengarten/Kühtai and take the L 237 to Kühtai. Park in the Drei-Seen-Bahn car park. Take the Drei-Seen-Bahn up to the top station. Follow the signs for Gaiskogel/Klettersteig and the red markings at the foot of the Gaiskogelscharte over the scree field to the entrance.
Follow the marked normal path, southwest, down to a saddle. From there, descend to the Finstertal reservoir and in the area of the dam wall turn right to the Drei-Seen-Hütte. From there descend to Kühtai.
Von der Inntalautobahn A 12 Kufstein-Landeck bei der Ausfahrt Zirl Ost abfahren. Auf der Sellrainer Straße L 13 nach Kühtai fahren. Oder vom Ötztal anreisen, dazu in Ötz den Kreisverkehr Richtung Ochsengarten/Kühtai verlassen und auf der L 237 nach Kühtai fahren. Auf dem Parkplatz der Drei-Seen-Bahn parken.
Kühtai Öffentliche Parkplätze Drei-Seen-Bahn