Via ferrata climbing: 8 tips for a successful ascent

Via ferratas promise scrambling fun and breathtaking views - and you don't even have to be a climbing pro to do them. Nevertheless, a certain amount of practice and know-how is required for the tour to lead to a safe summit victory. Here are 8 basic tips on how to successfully master via ferratas! Via ferratas in Imst - an airy pleasure!

By the way: If you want to put these tips into practice straight away, Imst is the place for you! The "Climbers Paradise" around the Imst vacation region offers 4 modern, beautiful via ferrata routes: from a family experience at the waterfall to a sporting challenge, everything is included!

But let's get down to business - how can you make your via ferrata experience a complete success?

1. train your fitness in advance

In contrast to a normal hiking trail, it's usually not so easy to turn around on a via ferrata. There are not always emergency exits or they may be far apart. If you set out on the rock face, you should therefore have a certain level of fitness and strength .

How much fitness is required ultimately depends on the level of difficulty and the length of the climb: the longest via ferrata in Austria should probably only be attempted by those who are really in top form.

For easier routes, a solid basic level of endurance is usually sufficient, which can be achieved by hiking or jogging, for example. In addition, moderate strength training for arms and legs is highly recommended so as not to tire too quickly on the mountain.

2. careful planning

Another basic requirement for a safe mountain experience is precise planning of the tour. The first thing to do is to check the level of difficulty: This is indicated on a scale from A to F. Beginners should ideally start with a via ferrata in grade A/B. If you are in a group, the difficulty level should be based on the weakest member.

You should also consider the route in advance : What elements does the via ferrata have? And how long is the ascent and descent? These are all points that need to be considered when planning.

Last but not least, you should also consider what to do in the event of difficulties: are there emergency exits in the wall, for example? If you are often out and about in the mountains, you should also consider taking out private accident insurance to cover rescue costs in the event of an emergency.

3. the right equipment

No trip to the mountains is complete without the right equipment - this applies all the more to via ferrata tours. In addition to a reliable via ferrata set, you also need appropriate clothing and emergency equipment. You should always have the following with you when climbing a via ferrata:

The via ferrata set is an absolute must.

Climbing harness: Adjustable leg loops are useful to ensure that the harness fits perfectly. Via ferrata set: It must have a shock absorber to cushion the impact of a fall. Helmet: This must fit well and sit firmly on your head. Via ferrata gloves: Protect your hands from the friction of wire ropes. Suitable footwear: The shoes should offer good grip and have a stable, tread-resistant sole. Suitable clothing: It should allow enough freedom of movement, but also protect against wind and weather. Clothing based on the "onion principle", i.e. several layers, is recommended. Cell phone: In an emergency, call the European emergency number (112). First aid kit Head torch: Even if you are only out and about during the day, you can quickly be caught out in the dark in the event of an unexpected incident. Webbing sling with screw carabiner: This can be used to rest when tired. However, many via ferrata sets have a built-in rest loop for this purpose. 4. partner check at the start

Climbing harness on, helmet on, via ferrata set attached - and off you go! Wait, not quite yet: a partner check is required first. Even experienced mountain enthusiasts check each other before the ascent - after all, anyone can overlook something: Are all the loops on the harness tightened? Is the helmet securely fastened? Is the via ferrata set properly attached to the harness? Once your partner has checked everything, the tour can begin.

5. safe clipping on

Attach the carabiners correctly.

The most important basic rule on the via ferrata is "Always be belayed!". At no time should both carabiners be unclipped. Therefore, when belaying in between, the motto is: clip the carabiners one after the other, never at the same time!

6. keep your distance

You should not get too close to each other on the via ferrata. In the event of a fall, this could lead to a fatal "domino effect". The Alpine Club therefore recommends keeping at least one intermediate belay at a distance.

In steep sections, it is even advisable to keep two intermediate belays. If you have to overtake, you should communicate this clearly and wait for a clear spot.

7. save energy with good technique

Muscles aren't everything - with the right technique , you can save a lot of energy and reach your destination much more efficiently. Pay attention to the following:

climb parallel to the rope, support most of your weight with your legs, climb precisely with your toes and always check your footing briefly, take small steps, climb on the "long arm", i.e. stretch your arms out long.

It's all about the right technique.

A clean stepping technique is also a matter of safety: this reduces the risk of triggering a rockfall.

8. rest if necessary

"Don't feign tiredness" is a very bad motto for the via ferrata. This is because the risk of accidents increases considerably if you are overtired. If you notice that you are losing strength, you should not be afraid to take a short break. This can be particularly useful before more difficult passages. To do this, attach a sling and carabiner or use the built-in rest loop in the via ferrata set. Then loosen up your arms and legs and take a deep breath.

Via ferrata - a wonderful experience for sure

The via ferrata enables mountain experiences with that certain extra thrill and freedom. However, you should follow a few basic rules to ensure that it really is an enjoyable excursion. With good basic stamina, the right equipment and the right technique for hanging and climbing, you will reach your destination successfully and safely!


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