Training tips for at home

As we can't or shouldn't go climbing in a climbing gym or outdoors at the moment due to the coronavirus, we're simply training at home. Now we're using the fingerboard and pull-up bar.

Maximum strength and, above all, finger strength need to be trained continuously, otherwise you'll quickly notice what you're lacking on the next climbing route. That's why you need a fingerboard! If you have one, that is.

Build your own climbing gym

Martina Scheichl recently provided us with the perfect instructions for building a climbing gym at home - the solution for all those who don't have a fingerboard. Thank you Martina!


The finished climbing gym, photo: Martina Scheichl


Build your own climbing gym at home

Train your finger strength

You should be careful with your fingers. It's all too easy to overstretch ligaments or tear a capsule. That's why Martina Scheichl has given us a few very important tips for training on the fingerboard:


Samuel Mathis training his fingers with flat fingers


Fingerboard - everything you need for proper finger training

Creativity required - further training tips

But of course everything else that doesn't diminish the strength in our arms, fingers and above all our torso is also called for. So workout at home: pull-ups, sit-ups, press-ups, .... The good old table bolder is used, door frames are used for pull-ups, it's not just children who climb trees in the garden and the balcony railings are hopefully up to the new demands.

You can also make good use of the time to show the children various rope techniques, practise knots and build stands.

But please, please, don't hurt yourselves with all your creativity, because we're saving hospital stays for later. 
With this in mind: stay fit, but above all stay healthy!