Summer climbing at Achensee

Summertime is climbing time - that's not quite true. Although the sun generally increases our well-being, the conditions for rock climbing are generally worse in the warm season than in winter, spring or fall. The warmer and more humid the air is, the less friction there is between your fingertips or shoes and the rock. And yet there are some climbing gardens where you can often find suitable conditions even in summer.

Summer made easy at Achensee

The Achensee region is perfect for summer climbing: the mountains around Tyrol's largest lake are known as the Rofan. Not only does it offer beautiful hikes with views of Lake Achensee, but also some top climbing areas for the summer. To escape the heat in the valley, the best way to get up there is to take the Rofan cable car, which takes you up to almost 2000 meters in just a few minutes. With a 20-minute walk from the mountain station, there are several climbing gardens within easy reach.

Something for everyone - the climbing areas

The Grubaplatt and Grubastiege areas are particularly suitable for beginners, children and families.

The Mauritzalm climbing garden is located very close to the mountain station - the perfect place for young children to try rock climbing for the first time.


The climbing garden below the Mauritzalm near Lake Achensee


Those who enjoy climbing in the sixth grade can let off steam in the Grauwand climbing garden just below the mountain station. There are 23 routes in the 6th degree of difficulty alone.

Alternatively, the Rofan offers numerous multi-pitch tours and the highly recommended 5-peak via ferrata.


Haidachstellwand on the 5-summit via ferrata in the Rofan