A blocking rockfall, a loose bolt, a fallen tree - if you're climbing in the great outdoors, you have to be prepared for obstacles. But so that you don't set off in vain and can avoid dangers when climbing, the danger reporting center collects all closures and dangers in climbing gardens and on via ferratas.
If you're out in nature, you have to expect obstacles from time to time, photo: Mike Gabl
Simply check the website at www.climbers-paradise.com/gefahrenmeldestelle and stay up to date. Thanks to the hazard reporting center, you are well informed about current closures and hazards. You can also see as soon as these have been resolved and you can climb on site again without any problems.
Dangers and closures at a glance
Discover dangers when climbing and report them straight away
A rockfall near Tumpen, photo: Mike Gabl
Support the climbing community and report hazards and obstacles quickly and easily on the website using the online form. Indicate whether it is a "Danger in delay", a "Safety notice" or "Other". After specifying the climbing discipline, location and your contact details, click on "Send hazard report" to send your discovery directly to the technical manager Mike Gabl. He forwards the current hazard report to the responsible employee in the relevant region so that they can take measures to eliminate the hazard. At the same time, he ensures that the current hazard report appears online.
Report a hazard via smartphone
Unique quality management for your climbing enjoyment
Renovation work at Stams, photo: Mike Gabl
By quickly recognizing and reporting hazards while climbing, those responsible can react all the faster. This creates a unique quality management system for climbing regions and the climbers themselves.
Repair work on the rock, photo: Mike Gabl
We don't call Tirol Climbers Paradise for nothing. Help to ensure that it remains a climbers' paradise and report dangers as soon as you notice them.