Not just a bad weather tip - climbing & bouldering meeting in Tannheim

My first time in the bouldering hall

My brother has been raving about the new climbing and bouldering club in the Tannheimer Tal for a long time. However, I've never been able to bring myself to go, especially as I've never been bouldering and have always found a suitable excuse.
This Sunday was the day. The weather was perfect - it was supposed to rain the whole day. So we got together with a few friends and set off.
The Climbing & Bouldering Club is located in the Tannheimer Tal Tourist Office building and opened in summer 2016.

My first bouldering successes in the hall

The first time

After forcing ourselves into our climbing shoes, we entered the hall and headed straight past the climbing wall to the bouldering area at the back.
My worst fears were not realized, because despite the bad weather, the bouldering hall was not overcrowded.

Initially, I let the others go first and watched the whole thing from below.
Then I tried it out for myself and felt quite comfortable. As I'd been climbing many times before, it was easier than I thought and I was able to master the first boulders.

After an afternoon in the climbing and bouldering club, my strength was already waning a little. However, I still really wanted to try the overhang. A short time later, however, I found myself back on the ground in the truest sense of the word.

When I was already completely exhausted, the others mobilized their strength and tried out the campus board.

mobilize their last strength on the campus board at the climbing & bouldering club

For the first and last time?

Afterwards, I realized that you need more strength for bouldering than for climbing. That's why I could hardly move my hands the next morning.
However, it certainly wasn't the last time I was found in a bouldering hall.


Bouldering area at the Kletter & Bouldertreff in Tannheim


Although it is a rather small bouldering hall, there are enough possibilities for beginners as well as professionals, especially the overhang presents everyone with new challenges.