Humans were practically born to climb and have always climbed trees and rocks. Children also climb almost by themselves and enjoy it. These are the ideal conditions for going climbing with children, especially as climbing is a very family-friendly sport.
We have put together a few tips for climbing with children to ensure that their natural enthusiasm and enjoyment doesn't fade quickly:
To get started, it doesn't matter whether you go to the gym or the crag. When starting out on the rocks, it is important to choose a child-friendly climbing garden. Such climbing gardens are characterized by a short approach, no falling terrain at the start, low risk of falling rocks and many easy routes.
The Oberried, Tumpen or Oetz climbing gardens in Ötztal are perfect for this. They not only have a very child-friendly access area - in Tumpen and Oberried there is even a playground - but also a large selection of easy routes. You can also find more family-friendly climbing gardens in the article "The best 5 spots for climbing families" by Simon Schöpf.
Children should not be overtaxed, especially at the beginning. The focus should be on having fun climbing, photo: Matthias Bader
The right equipment for children
Everyone knows this: it's no fun with ski boots that are too small or too big.
The same applies to climbing. For children in particular, it is important that the equipment fits their body size. Equipment that is too big or too small, e.g. a climbing harness, is not only uncomfortable but can also be very dangerous. After all, your own life or that of your children depends on the equipment. In the article Climbing equipment for children you will find a few practical tips on how it should be designed.
Enjoy climbing
In order for children to enjoy climbing in the long term, it is important that they have a good time first. Under no circumstances should they be overwhelmedor pushed to do anything. How much, how hard and what they have climbed is secondary. Swinging on the suspended toprope rope is usually the greater experience for them than reaching the top.
Unfortunately,false ambition on the part of parents has too often had the opposite effect, especially with children. Children need time. The experience, the good time outside on the rock or in the hall should always be the priority. The sporting ambition then (usually) comes of its own accord.
Meet like-minded people
There are many climbing families or children who climb. It's much easier with like-minded people. The children can play, push each other and the parents also get to climb sometimes. You can also get together with the equipment, which is also an important factor.
Climbing with children in beautiful mountain scenery is a wonderful outing for the whole family, photo: Matthias Bader
With children in the climbing hall
If you go climbing with children, the same applies in principle. However, it is also important to read and adhere to the hall rules. Climbing halls are sports facilities and not children's playgrounds. The bouldering area in particular is not a playground and this is where very dangerous situations often arise with children running around.
Climbing gyms often have their own children's area. The perfect place to take your first steps in the vertical world. Boulders suitable for children, child-friendly holds and sometimes even a slide make children's eyes light up.
Climbing is the most natural thing in the world. The most important thing is to give children time. Under no circumstances should you force them to do anything. At the beginning, everyone has fear and respect for heights and falling - and that's important.
But with a little guidance, the right equipment and the right environment, climbing is the perfect sport for the whole family.