Imster via ferrata: an alpine classic

The Imst via ferrata on the 2,632 m high Maldonkopf is a must for every ferrata fan: the 800 m long sport via ferrata offers challenging climbs in rough limestone and rewards you with a magnificent panorama.

When the sultry summer heat slowly gives way to mild autumn temperatures, the time has come for south-facing climbs, such as the via ferrata classic on the 2,632 m high Maldonkopf in the Lechtal Alps. The alpine via ferrata was opened back in 1989, but is not a bit "old-school", on the contrary. After extensive renovations, the "Imster Klettersteig" is considered a prime example of a modern via ferrata - without skimping on natural charm and technical climbing attractions.

However, even if the protection is exemplary, the following applies: previous alpine knowledge, sure-footedness in steep terrain, muscle strength and via ferrata experience are prerequisites for making the tour a dream and the classic a unique experience with a long-term effect.

Maldonkopf by fair means

Fancy biking, hiking and via ferrata climbing? Why not combine everything in one day, including summit bliss and (double) hut fun? From the Imster Bergbahnen parking lot in Hoch-Imst, we head downhill along a wide road, then uphill via a few hairpin bends to the Latschenhütte (follow the signs to Linserhof; follow the partial meadows at the start). Leave the hut on the left and cycle a little further along the road to the Muttekopfhütte cable car. From here it's time for the hiking part.

We follow the signs to the Muttekopfhütte, with a heavy heart, without taking a break on the enchanting hut terrace. Instead, we are greeted by lush green alpine meadows above the hut, which sparkle like emerald carpets in the morning dew, while the sheep still look a little sleepy from their woolly coats as we climb up the magnificent Guggersattele. Up here, a breathtaking view opens up of rugged mountain peaks and steep cirques, and our destination for the day salutes us. Our hearts leap for joy and our legs almost automatically make their way to the foot of the wall.

Maldonkopf on the right, Scharnitzköpfe on the left, photo: Susa Schreiner

800 meters of climbing on a steel cable over steep ribs

The Imst via ferrata is for purists, because apart from steel cable protection, the route through the rock is very "natural", meaning: few climbing aids, lots of classic climbing on rock that is surprisingly rough and presents itself as a via ferrata friend with ledges and dents. Comfortable climbing shoes are definitely an advantage here and give you a real climbing feeling.


Steep passage in the first third of the Imst via ferrata, photo: Susa Schreiner


After some steep sections that will make your arm muscles burn, there are always good opportunities to take a breather and relax your muscles. A special highlight: an airy rope bridge that promises deep views and jelly in your legs.


Rope bridge on the Imster via ferrata, photo: Susa Schreiner


However, the real key section is yet to come and soon comes into view with full force: a 20-metre vertical wall.

"Should I go up there?" Wow, my hands are sweaty and my nerves are tense. So, gather your strength once more and off you go. And then the surprise, because where it is steepest, iron cramps help and take the strain off the arm muscles - but it is still exhausting. The feeling of having completed this section: great pride.


The steep passage after the rope bridge is a tough one, photo: Susa Schreiner


From now on, the summit cross is not far away, a few more small upswings and you are standing at the top of the Maldonkopf - your heart is leaping again, this time with joy and pride. We are the first to reach the summit on this glorious day - it was worth getting up early. We enjoy the magnificent panorama including views of the Zugspitze massif and King Ortler. The snack tastes like a five-star meal in this setting. We toast each other and then get ready for the descent.

The summit view from the Maldonkopf, photo: Susa Schreiner

Descent through the Engelkar

First along the ridge and then over stepped rocks via a via ferrata down towards Engelkar. Once you reach the coarse gravel, your tired arms are finally relieved, but once again full concentration and surefootedness are required in the steep cirque.


Imster via ferrata, descent through the Engelkarl, photo: Susa Schreiner


Once in the meadow and well protected from possible falling rocks, we take off our helmets and empty out our shoes - there would have been enough material for a mouse sandpit ...

Refreshment stop at two rustic huts

We make our way to the Muttekopfhütte and take a seat on the terrace. What a day, which comes to a brilliant end with a cool drink.

The way back to the bikes is done quickly, the wind blows around our noses and caresses our skin. Straight down into the valley now? No, we'd rather pay a visit to the mountain hut we cycled past early this morning. We enjoy dumplings with salad and apple strudel. Only then are we ready for the valley. Back in the car, we have the feeling that we've been on the road for days and yet it's only been eight hours, which feels like eight days of vacation.