Community: 1st 'Climbers Coffee' in Kufstein

Climbing and community are inextricably linked - as demonstrated by the first "Climbers Coffee" in Kufstein. Over 30 climbers came together over coffee, cake and exciting conversations to exchange ideas and discover new ideas for sustainable climbing such as "Ecopoint Climbing". A day with the perfect mix of inspiration, encounters and rock adventures.

Wolfgang Güllich and Kurt Albert have already proven that climbing and coffee go well together. Climbing thrives on community and encounters with friends and other climbers on the rock. Yes, sometimes it is nice and pleasant to spend time undisturbed on the rock with your climbing partner. And yet we all have a need for interaction and exchange. It fulfills us to hear experiences from others and to share them ourselves.

It's good to meet new people and motivate each other. There are all kinds of groups on the rocks around Kufstein, where people sometimes know each other better, sometimes only briefly. It's time to bring the community a little closer together and encourage people to interact with each other away from the rocks.

Go Ecopoint!

To this end, a small "Climbers Coffee" meeting was held last Sunday on the Kaiser ascent. Organized by Max Buck and Lina Schneeweiß, over 30 climbers came together over a warm cup of coffee and cake. Mira Herzberger presented the new climbing guide "München Rockt", the selection of crags in the guide is limited to those that are easily accessible by public transport. Anyone who likes to collect climate-friendly Ecopoints is perfectly positioned with this book and is guided to the starting point as if on rails and to the crag with the downloadable GPX tracks.

There is also a similar project for Climbers Paradise Tirol, "Climate-friendly climbing Tirol" by Lena Müller (who we talked to about it here ). For the past two years, Climbers Paradise Tirol has been focusing on "Climbing with Respect", with activities on the topic of sustainable climbing taking place throughout Tirol.

The "Ecopoint Climbing" concept and new opportunities in the Inn Valley were discussed at length with all those present. Afterwards, most of the participants went to the Geisterschmiedwand. From midday, a few rays of sunshine even made an appearance and ensured perfect climbing conditions.


Climbing on the Geisterschmiedwand in Kufstein.


The event was supported by the Platzhirsch coffee roasting company from Kufstein. Thanks to everyone who was there and made the community so unique and lively. To be continued!

About the initiators: Lina Schneeweiß, 27, works as an event manager in Kufsteiner Land, started climbing in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and since living in Kufstein has discovered how much fun shorter hook distances are when sport climbing. And what the Wilder Kaiser on the doorstep has to offer in terms of alpine routes. Max Buck, 28, student at the TH in Rosenheim, enjoys alpine climbing, trad climbing and lots of sport in and around Kufstein. As a photographer, I want to show different sides of the community and give every climber the opportunity to capture a moment from their routes and projects.

Lina Schneeweiß & Max Buck

More on the topic: Climbing with Respect: The guidelines Ecopoint Climbing Sustainable Climbing Guide for Tyrol Climate-friendly climbing: Interview with Lena Müller Topo Geisterschmeidwand in Kufsteinerland