The Kraxlfreunde are committed to ensuring that children and young people can learn to climb and that climbing can be offered at school. The Kraxlfreunde are now summarizing their "School for Life" project with impressive figures and survey results:
Seven schools that were involved, 60 classes that were motivated, 927 pupils who scrambled in 1,449 sessions. These are the great results of 2.5 years of Kraxlfreunde, a project of Sportunion Tirol (funded by Fonds Gesundes Österreich and Bundes-Sport GmbH).
Climbing at school can strengthen social skills
Climbing in the hall, photo: Kraxlfreunde
In addition to improving motor skills skills, this project was primarily aimed at strengthening social skills. strengthened. The focus group interviews revealed that above all
self-confidence, trust towards other classmates, togetherness, cohesion, the strengthening of the group, the experience of limits and and communication between the pupils
were strengthened and intensified.
Climbing at school convinces young people
On the way in the Ehnbachklamm gorge, photo: Kraxlfreunde
Above all, climbing gave the pupils a lot of pleasure and showed them new possibilities. Of the young people surveyed, 47% reported that they now also enjoy climbing in their free time. Some reported that they would like to go climbing, but that they do not have the financial means to pursue climbing outside of the project.
Climbing course near the Erfurter Hütte, photo: Kraxlfreunde
Thanks to networking with local Sportunion Tirol clubs during the project period, climbing courses can now continue to take place even after the project has ended, albeit on a much smaller scale.
No continuation despite success
All in all, this social climbing project was a complete success, both for the teachers and for the pupils and clubs. Sadly, a continuation is no longer possible due to a lack of financial resources.