Climbing games for young and old

Climbing games are a great way to teach children climbing techniques in a playful way. But climbing games can also be used as a warm-up or when climbing with adults, whether to have fun, try something new or to apply or learn climbing technique.

The wide variety of climbing games

There is now a very large selection of climbing games. Whether indoors in the climbing hall or outdoors on the rocks. However, it is important that the terrain is suitable. Of course, it is not possible to play tag in the fall area at the climbing garden or in a crowded climbing hall.

Team ball: the classic warm-up game

Team ball is a classic warm-up game. Two teams of the same size are formed and the aim is to pass an object (ball or, if not available, a knotted ball of rope) back and forth as often as possible within the team. The ball must not touch the ground and must not be caught by the opposing team. The winner is the team with more points. One point is awarded for 8 passes, for example.

Fire, water, storm: the climbing game for the bouldering hall

A very good climbing game is "Fire, water, storm". The ideal place for this is the bouldering area in the climbing hall. Everyone moves on the mat without touching the wall. For the "fire" command, everyone must get to the climbing wall as quickly as possible and only hold on to the red holds for at least 5 seconds without touching the ground. For the "water" command, only blue holds may be used. If a storm is called, everyone must lie down on the mat. The last one is eliminated.

The team ball climbing game

Climbing upside down: the climbing game to train perception

Another climbing game that works very well in the bouldering hall: Everyone lies down on their backs with their heads facing the boulder wall. One person starts, climbs two moves and lies down again. The next person has to climb the two moves, hangs on for another two moves and lies down on the mat again. By watching from behind, the climber climbs upside down, so to speak, and this is a very good way of training climbing awareness, movement imagination and memorizing climbing holds and climbing movements.

Blind climbing: the climbing game to train memory skills

Finally, a climbing game that also works very well outdoors on the rock and is great fun. Blind climbing: First you climb an "easy" route and try to memorize as many holds, footholds and movements as possible. The same route is then climbed again blindfolded in a toprope. Among other things, this helps to train the climber's movement imagination and memory.

Book recommendation: "Climbing games" from the Austrian Alpine Club

That was just a small excerpt from the almost infinite variety of climbing games. We can recommend the "Kletterspiele" book from the Austrian Alpine Club. Here you will find a clear overview of many games for warming up, for climbing technique, for the gym etc. Not only interesting for children.


"Kletterspiele", the book from the Austrian Alpine Club