From Ellmau to the Gruttenhütte in three disciplines: by bike to the Wochenbrunner Alm, on foot to the Gaudeamushütte and via the Klamml via ferrata to the Gruttenhütte. A fun alpine triathlon "by fair means".
How about a car-free weekend? If you deliberately conquer the mountains by bike and on foot from the valley? Well, you would approach the grandiose peaks of the Wilder Kaiser region in the same way as the young savages did in earlier times with Preuß, Dülfer, Rebitsch & Co. Sounds exciting? It is, and it also makes you proud when you have achieved everything under your own steam.
Three disciplines to the Gruttenhütte
From the starting point in Ellmau, we cycle comfortably to the first stage destination, the Wochenbrunner Alm. There are around 290 meters of altitude to conquer by bike - if you like, you can get electric help from an e-bike, while purists can only use their own muscle power. Either way, without a car, your senses awaken much more intensely early in the morning as you soak up the scent of the meadows and watch the cows perform their interpretation of the yoga sun salutation. And when His Majesty the Emperor presents his beauty to you with full force, accompanied by the sonorous twittering of birds. We crank down the almost 5 kilometers from Ellmau Dorf in no time at all. Depending on your pace and starting point, you can leave your bike at the Wochenbrunner Alm after 35 to 45 minutes and change disciplines.
The Gaudeamushütte in the Wilder Kaiser, photo: Roland Schoner
Hiking from the Wochenbrunner Alm to the Gaudi hut
The second stage takes you on foot along a wide hiking trail towards the Gaudeamushütte, affectionately known by insiders as the "Gaudi Hut". If time permits, you can make a terrace stop here, otherwise leave the hut on your right and follow the yellow signs to the start of the Klamml via ferrata instead. The path leads past the "Murmeltierfelsen", a lovingly prepared climbing rock with wooden benches that invite you to take a rest. Recharge your batteries, because from now on the terrain becomes rougher and more rocky and the start of the via ferrata is not far away.
Signpost to the Klamml via ferrata, photo: Susa Schreiner
The Klamml via ferrata (300 meters, difficulty: D)
We start the last stage and equip ourselves with climbing harness, helmet and via ferrata set. From now on, we head vertically towards the day's destination, the Gruttenhütte, and the motto is: full concentration ahead! Take a precise approach to the rock, build up pressure, push yourself up and give your arm muscles a good workout. The Klamml via ferrata is very athletic and therefore not suitable for beginners or small children. It can be divided into two sections, separated by the spectacular two-rope bridge. If you get "cold feet" here, you can take a look at the rope bridge and then choose the exit and climb up to the Gruttenhütte via a hiking trail. The others dare to dance across the wire rope and push themselves up a steep wall via iron clamps and ladders in the second sector. Muscle strength and strong nerves are required here.
Suspension bridge in the Klamml via ferrata, photo: Peter von Felbert
All too soon, the exit comes into view, the last few meters to the Gruttenhütte are then covered in a lively hike, always with the terrace in view. The descent back to Wochenbrunner Alm and the bikes is easy on a beautiful path, partly through dense forest, in which many cairns in clearings create a mystical atmosphere.
Important information for the entire tour Train journey
From Innsbruck to Wörgl, from here take the bus to Ellmau. Travel time: approx. 1 hour 45 minutes. Clarify online in advance if you are taking bikes. Timetables at
Bike rental on site
Many sports shops in Ellmau and the surrounding villages offer mountain bikes and e-bikes for hire. Costs for one day: between 20 and 40 euros, depending on the category. Online or via the tourist office.
Via ferratas in the area
All information about the via f errata options in the Wilder Kaiser region can be found on the Climbers Paradise page.